Easton's Bible Dictionary
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Aa ronites Aba ddon Aba gtha Aba na Aba rim Abba Abda Abdeel Abdi Abdiel Abdon Abednego Abel Abel-beth-ma achah Abel-chera mim Abel-mehola h Abel-mizra im Abel-shittim Abez Abia Abi-a lbon Abia saph Abia thar Abib Abida Abida n Abieezer Abiel Abiezrite Abiga il Abiha il Abihu Abihud Abija h, Abiah, Abia Abija m Abilene Abima el Abimelech Abina dab Abinoa m Abira m Abisha g Abisha i Abishua Abishur Abita l Abitub Aa ron Abjects Ablution Too many to list. Torrey's Topical Textbook Access to God Adoption Affections Afflicted, Duty towa rd the Afflicted Sa ints Affliction, Consola tion under Affliction, Pra yer Under Afflictions Afflictions Ma de Beneficial Afflictions of the Wicked Agriculture or Husba ndry Allia nce and Society with the Enemies of God Alta rs Alta r of Burnt-offering Alta r of Incense Ama lekites Ambition Ammonites Amorites Amusements a nd Pleasures, Worldly Ana kim Angels Anger Anger of God Anointing Anointing of the Holy Spirit Anointing, Sa cred Antichrist Aposta tes Apostles Ark of the Covena nt Armies Armies of Isra el Arms, Milita ry Arrows Arts of the Ascension of Christ Asher Asp, or Adder Ass, The Domestic Ass, The Wild Assura nce Assyria Atonement Da y of Atonement Atonement, Under the La w Ba bylon Ba cksliding Ba ptism Ba ptism with the Holy Spirit Too many to list. Nave's Topical Bible Aa ron Aba ddon Aba gtha Aba na Aba rim Abba Abda Abdeel Abdi Abdiel Abdon Abed-nego Abel Abel-beth-ma achah Abel-mehola h Abel-mizra im Abel-shittim Abetting Abez Abi Abia Abia h Abi-a lbon Abia saph Abia thar Abib Abida Abida h Abiel Abiezer Abiga il Abiha il Abihu Abihud Abija h Abija m Abilene Abima el Abimelech Abina dab Abinoa m Abira m Abisha g Abisha i Abisha lom Abishua Abishur Abita l Abitub Abiud Too many to list.
A: Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, as Omega is the last.
These letters occur in the text of
(Revelation 1:8,11; 21:6; 22:13 ) and are
represented by "Alpha" and "Omega" respectively (omitted in R.V.,
1:11) They mean "the first and last." Comp.
(Hebrews 12:2; Isaiah 41:4; 44:6; Revelation 1:11,17; 2:8 ) In the symbols of the early Christian Church these
two letters are frequently combined with the cross or with Christ's
monogram to denote his divinity.(See CROSS )
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