1: A Song, a Psalm, by sons of Korah, to the Overseer, 'Concerning the Sickness of Afflictions.' -- An instruction, by Heman the Ezrahite. O Jehovah, God of my salvation, Daily I have cried, nightly before Thee, 2: My prayer cometh in before Thee, Incline Thine ear to my loud cry, 3: For my soul hath been full of evils, And my life hath come to Sheol. 4: I have been reckoned with those going down [to] the pit, I have been as a man without strength. 5: Among the dead -- free, As pierced ones lying in the grave, Whom Thou hast not remembered any more, Yea, they by Thy hand have been cut off. 6: Thou hast put me in the lowest pit, In dark places, in depths. 7: Upon me hath Thy fury lain, And [with] all Thy breakers Thou hast afflicted. Selah. 8: Thou hast put mine acquaintance far from me, Thou hast made me an abomination to them, Shut up -- I go not forth. 9: Mine eye hath grieved because of affliction, I called Thee, O Jehovah, all the day, I have spread out unto Thee my hands. 10: To the dead dost Thou do wonders? Do Rephaim rise? do they thank Thee? Selah. 11: Is Thy kindness recounted in the grave? Thy faithfulness in destruction? 12: Are Thy wonders known in the darkness? And Thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness? 13: And I, unto Thee, O Jehovah, I have cried, And in the morning doth my prayer come before Thee. 14: Why, O Jehovah, castest Thou off my soul? Thou hidest Thy face from me. 15: I [am] afflicted, and expiring from youth, I have borne Thy terrors -- I pine away. 16: Over me hath Thy wrath passed, Thy terrors have cut me off, 17: They have surrounded me as waters all the day, They have gone round against me together, 18: Thou hast put far from me lover and friend, Mine acquaintance [is] the place of darkness!