View Isaiah 14 in the note window.
Israel shall be delivered from the Babylonish captivity, their
triumph over Babylon, ver. 1 - 13.
God's purpose against Assyria, ver. 14 - 27.
Palestina threatened, ver. 28 - 32.
1: Chuse - Will renew his choice of them; for he had rejected them.
2: Rule - Which they literally did, after their return into their own
land. But this was more eminently verified in a spiritual sense, in the
days of the gospel.
4: Golden city - As they used to call themselves; which therefore he
expresses here in a word of their own language.
6: Anger - With rigour and not with clemency. None - Neither the
Babylonians themselves, nor their confederates.
7: The earth - The subjects of that vast empire, who groaned under
their cruel bondage.
8: The trees - Which were felled for the service of her pride and
luxury, but now are suffered to stand.
9: Thrones - From their graves, which he seems to call their
thrones by way of irony: the only thrones now left to them. Thrones
both paved and covered with worms, instead of their former thrones,
adorned with gold and precious stones.
11: Thy pomp - All thy glory is buried with thee. Viols - All thy
musical instruments, which were much used in Babylon, and were doubtless
used in Belshazzar's solemn feasts, (Da 5:1), at which time the city
was taken; to which possibly the prophet here alludes. The worm - Instead
of those stately carpets upon which thou didst frequently tread.
12: Fallen - From the height of thy glory. Lucifer - Which properly
is a bright star, that ushers in the morning; but is here metaphorically
taken for the mighty king of Babylon. Son - The title of son is
given in scripture not only to a person or thing begotten or produced by
another, but also to any thing which is related, to it, in which sense we
read of the son of a night, (Jon 4:10),
a son of perdition, (Joh 17:12), and, which is more agreeable,
to the present case, the sons of Arcturus, (Job 38:32).
13: I - I will advance myself above the state of a weak man.
Above - Above all other kings and potentates; or, above the most eminent
persons of God's church. North - This is added as a more exact
description of the place of the temple; it stood upon mount Moriah,
which was northward from the hill of Zion strictly so called.
14: Like - In the uncontrolableness of my power, and the universal
extent of my dominion.
17: Cried not - Whereby he signifies both his irresistible power,
and his continued cruelty.
18: All - That is, other things most commonly do. Lie - Are buried
in their own sepulchres, having stately monuments erected to their memory.
19: Cast out - Or, cast from thy grave or burying - place.
Which very probably happened to Belshazzar, when his people had
neither opportunity nor heart to bestow an honourable interment
upon him, and the conquerors would not suffer them to do it.
Like - Like a rotten twig of a tree, which he that prunes the trees,
casts away. Raiment - Which, being mangled, and besmeared with mire,
and blood, was cast away with contempt. Go down - Who being slain, are
cast into some pit. He saith, to the stones of the pit, because when
dead bodies are cast in thither, men use to throw an heap of stones upon
them. Trodden - Neglected, like such a carcase. And this might literally
happen to Belshazzar's dead body.
20: Joined - Not buried as they are. Slain - Thou hast exercised
great tyranny and cruelty, not only to thine enemies, but even to thine
own subjects. The seed - Such as Belshazzar was, being descended from
that Nebuchadnezzar who had made such horrid slaughters and devastations
in the world, merely to gratify his own insatiable lusts, and who had been
so impious towards God and his temple, and so bloody towards his church and
people. Renowned - Or, shall not be renowned for ever: although I have
long borne with thee and thy family.
21: Children - Cut off all the branches of the royal family.
Rise - Not recover their former power.
22: Remnant - The remembrance of those that are dead, and the persons
of those who yet survive.
23: Bittern - A great water fowl, which delights in solitary places,
as also in watery grounds. Such as those were about Babylon.
Pools - The ground about Babylon was of itself very moist, because
of the great river Euphrates, running by it, which was kept from
overflowing the country with charge and labour; this being neglected,
when the city was destroyed, it was easily turned into pools of water.
24: Saying - This verse does not only concern Babylon's
destruction, but also the overthrow of Sennacherib and the Assyrian
host, which was a pledge of the destruction of the city and empire of
25: My land - In Judea, which is my land in a peculiar manner.
Mountains - In my mountainous country, for such Judea was, especially
about Jerusalem.
26: The earth - Upon this vast empire, now in the hands of the
Assyrians, and shortly to come into the hands of the Babylonians.
The hand - The providence of God executing his purpose.
28: This burden - This following burdensome prophecy concerning the
Philistines, who in Ahaz's time, made an inroad into Judah, and
took divers of their cities.
29: Of him - Most understand this of Uzziah, who did then much
mischief, (2Ch 26:3,6). But he was dead thirty - two years before this
time, and therefore their joy for his death was long since past. Others
understand it of Ahaz: but he was so far from smiting them, that he was
smitten by them. We may understand this of the royal race of Judah, who
had been a terrible scourge to them, whose rod might be said to be broken,
because that scepter was come into the hands of slothful princes.
A serpent - From the root of David shall come Hezekiah, who, like
a serpent, shall sting thee to death, as he did, (2Ki 18:8).
30: The poor - The people of the Jews, who are brought to extreme
poverty. The title of first - born is given to persons or things which
are most eminent in their kinds, as to the people of Israel,(Ex 4:22),
to David, (Ps 89:27,Job 18:13), and here to persons eminently
poor. Feed - Shall have plenty of provisions. Kill - I will utterly
destroy thee both root and branch.
31: Gate - The gate is put for the city. City - City is here
put collectively for their cities. The north - From Chaldea.
A smoak - A grievous judgment and calamity. Times - When God's
appointed time shall come, not one of all that numerous army
shall desert his colours, or lag behind the rest.
32: What - What shall a Jew say to the people of other nations,
who shall enquire concerning the state of Zion, when not only the
Philistines, but even the Jews themselves, shall fall by the hands
of the same enemy? That - They shall give them this answer, That although
Zion at present be in a very distressed condition, yet she stands upon a
firm foundation, and God who first founded her, will restore her, and his
poor despised people shall resort to her, as to a strong refuge.