2: The saints - This word expresses their union with God.
And brethren - This, their union with their fellow - Christians.
3: We give thanks - There is a near resemblance between
this epistle, and those to the Ephesians and Philippians.
5: Ye heard before - I wrote to you. In the word of
truth, of the gospel - The true gospel preached to you.
6: It bringeth forth fruit in all the world - That is,
in every place where it is preached. Ye knew the grace of
God in truth - Truly experienced the gracious power of God.
8: Your love in the Spirit - Your love wrought in you
by the Spirit.
9: We pray for you - This was mentioned in general,(Col 1:3), but now more particularly.
That ye may be filled with the knowledge of his will - Of his
revealed will. In all wisdom - With all the wisdom from above.
And spiritual understanding - To discern by that light whatever
agrees with, or differs from, his will.
10: That, knowing his whole will, ye may walk worthy of
the Lord, unto all pleasing - So as actually to please him in all
things; daily increasing in the living, experimental knowledge
of God, our Father, Saviour, Sanctifier.
11: Strengthened unto all patience and longsuffering with
joyfulness - This is the highest point: not only to know, to
do, to suffer, the whole will of God; but to suffer it to
the end, not barely with patience, but with thankful joy.
12: Who, by justifying and sanctifying us, hath made
us meet for glory.
13: Power detains reluctant captives, a kingdom cherishes
willing subjects. His beloved Son - This is treated of in the
fifteenth and following verses.(Col 1:15)
14: In whom we have redemption - This is treated of from
the middle of (Col 1:18). The voluntary passion of our Lord
appeased the Father's wrath, obtained pardon and acceptance for
us, and, consequently, dissolved the dominion and power which
Satan had over us through our sins. So that forgiveness is the
beginning of redemption, as the resurrection is the completion of it.
15: Who is - By describing the glory of Christ, and his
pre - eminence over the highest angels, the apostle here lays a
foundation for the reproof of all worshippers of angels. The
image of the invisible God - Whom none can represent, but his
only begotten Son; in his divine nature the invisible image,
in his human the visible image, of the Father. The first
begotten of every creature - That is, begotten before every
creature; subsisting before all worlds, before all time, from
all eternity.
16: For - This explains the latter part of the preceding
verse. Through implies something prior to the particles by
and for; so denoting the beginning, the progress, and the end.
Him - This word, frequently repeated, signifies his supreme
majesty, and excludes every creature. Were created all things
that are in heaven - And heaven itself. But the inhabitants are
named, because more noble than the house. Invisible - The several
species of which are subjoined. Thrones are superior to
dominions; principalities, to powers. Perhaps the two latter may
express their office with regard to other creatures: the two
former may refer to God, who maketh them his chariots, and, as
it were, rideth upon their wings.
17: And he is before all things - It is not said, he was:
he is from everlasting to everlasting. And by him all things
consist - The original expression not only implies, that he
sustains all things in being, but more directly, All things
were and are compacted in him into one system. He is the
cement, as well as support, of the universe. And is he less
than the supreme God?
18: And - From the whole he now descends to the most eminent
part, the church. He is the head of the church - Universal; the
supreme and only head both of influence and of government to
the whole body of believers. Who is - The repetition of the
expression {(Col 1:15)} points out the entrance on a new
paragraph. The beginning - Absolutely, the Eternal. The first
begotten from the dead - From whose resurrection flows all the
life, spiritual and eternal, of all his brethren. That in all
things - Whether of nature or grace. He might have the
pre - eminence - Who can sound this depth?
19: For it pleased the Father that all fulness - All
the fulness of God. Should dwell in him - Constantly, as
in a temple; and always ready for our approach to him.
20: Through the blood of the cross - The blood shed
thereon. Whether things on earth - Here the enmity began:
therefore this is mentioned first. Or things in heaven - Those
who are now in paradise; the saints who died before Christ came.
21: And you that were alienated, and enemies - Actual alienation
of affection makes habitual enmity. In your mind - Both your
understanding and your affections. By wicked works - Which
continually feed and increase inward alienation from, and enmity
to, God. He hath now reconciled - From the moment ye believed.
22: By the body of his flesh - So distinguished from his
body, the church. The body here denotes his entire manhood.
Through death - Whereby he purchased the reconciliation which
we receive by faith. To present you - The very end of that
reconciliation. Holy - Toward God. Spotless - In yourselves.
Unreprovable - As to your neighbour.
23: If ye continue in the faith - Otherwise, ye will
lose all the blessings which ye have already begun to enjoy.
And be not removed from the hope of the gospel - The glorious
hope of perfect love. Which is preached - Is already begun
to be preached to every creature under heaven.
24: Now I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up
- That is, whereby I fill up. That which is behind of the
sufferings of Christ - That which remains to be suffered by his
members. These are termed the sufferings of Christ,
Because the suffering of any member is the suffering of the
whole; and of the head especially, which supplies strength,
spirits, sense, and motion to all.
Because they are for his sake, for the testimony of his truth.
And these also are necessary for the church; not to reconcile it
to God, or satisfy for sin, (for that Christ did perfectly,) but
for example to others, perfecting of the saints, and increasing
their reward.
25: According to the dispensation of God which is
given me - Or, the stewardship with which I am intrusted.
26: The mystery - Namely, Christ both justifying and
sanctifying gentiles, as well as Jews. Which hath been
comparatively hid from former ages and past generations
of men.
27: Christ dwelling and reigning in you, The hope of
glory - The ground of your hope.
28: We teach the ignorant, and admonish them that
are already taught.