And David knew that the LORD had established him as king over Israel and that his kingdom had been highly exalted for the sake of his people Israel (1 Chronicles 14:2).
King David learned an important lesson every business leader must learn if he is to insure the continual blessing of God. He knew why God blessed him. It wasn't because he deserved it, though he was a man who sought God with his whole heart. It wasn't because of his great skill, though he was a great military strategist. It wasn't because he was perfect, for he committed some horrible sins during his reign as king. No, it was for none of these reasons. God blessed David for the "sake of his people Israel."
God never blesses an individual just for his exclusive benefit. God calls each of us to be a blessing to others. So often we forget this last part. R.G. LeTourneau, the businessman who built heavy construction equipment, came to realize this only after God took him through many trials. Once the Lord had all of LeTourneau, he came to realize that the question couldn't be whether I give 10% of what the Lord gives to me. Rather, the question is "what amount does He want me to keep?" LeTourneau was known for giving 90% of his income toward the end of his career and was a great supporter of world missions. But, the Lord doesn't bless business people just for the ability to give financially. God has given business people many more gifts beyond the financial.
Where is the spiritual fruit of the blessing of God on your life? Is it clogged, or is it freely flowing to others? Ask the Lord o free you to be a blessing to those in your circle of influence.