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 Devotional For  
Tuesday April 9, 2024.

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The Jezebel Spirit

Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols (Revelation 2:20).

One of the major ruling spirits opposing the Kingdom of God today is the spirit of Jezebel. It has dominion over many aspects of society including the marketplace and the entertainment industry. It predominantly lives in females, but is not always gender specific.

The spirit of Jezebel seeks to destroy true worship, the family, morality, and the God- ordained role of male leadership. It misleads and corrupts the church and seeks to neutralize the life of prophets, pastors, and other male leadership.

The spirit of Jezebel is best seen in the story of Naboth's Garden in 2 Kings 9. In this story King Ahab desires to purchase some land next to the king's palace. Naboth refuses to sell. When Jezebel hears of this she shames Ahab, telling him he should be ashamed since he is the king and has every right to the land. She promptly sets out to plot against Naboth to get the land for the king. This leads to Naboth's murder. Ahab does not know of this plot by his wife, but when the king shows up to claim the land, the prophet Elijah shows up too and pronounces judgment on Ahab and his wife. In this passage we see that God held Ahab ultimately responsible for the death of Naboth.

Jezebel's ultimate goal is always control, especially over men. They cause fear, flight, and discouragement. They are often natural leaders. Often subtle and deceptive, they are proud, independent, and rebellious. Jezebel's cannot live without an Ahab who allows Jezebels to be effective and operate unchallenged. Ahabs fail to operate as Godly, loving leaders. Rather, they give in to pressure from the Jezebels. Often due to their own insecurities and sexual needs.

The answer to defeating the Jezebel spirit for the person who is influenced by this spirit is true repentance, humility, and brokenness before God. For the person who is ³Jezebeled,² he must firmly stand against this spirit. It is interesting that it took two eunuchs to throw Jezebel from a second story window to her death. This indicates that one must stand against the sexual exploits of this spirit to have victory over it.

If you find yourself confronting this spirit, ask the Lord to give you discernment and wisdom. You will need fasting and prayer to win this battle. And it is not a license for men to Lord over women, but an understanding that this spirit opposes Godıs design of the two equal, but distinct roles for men and women.

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