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 Devotional For  
Friday March 15, 2024.

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Following Only the Father's Commands

Jesus gave them this answer: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does (John 5:19).

Have you ever thought about a typical day in the life of Jesus? Perhaps He might have had questions like these, "Who am I going to heal today? Who will I visit today? Which person will I deliver from demons this day? etc, etc." The demands on Jesus' time were great. Yet, we see that Jesus allocated His time very deliberately. We don't get the idea that Jesus was flustered or stressed from the activity He was involved. He often sought times of prayer and reflection away from the disciples. His life appeared to have a balance of quite moments and active ministry into the lives He came in contact.

How do we determine what we will be involved in each day of our lives? What keeps us in sink with the will of our Heavenly Father for the daily tasks He calls us to? Jesus tells us that He was only involved in those things the Father was involved. Nothing more, nothing less. So often we determine our participation in an activity based on whether we have the time to do it or whether we desire to participate. The real question we should ask is does the Father want me to participate in this activity? "Lord, should I add this Bible study to my schedule? Should I spend an extra night out on this committee this week? Should I take on new business that will take me away from home more? Should my daughter be involved music lessons?" These are the daily challenges for the world we now live in. We are an activity-based society that often encourages more and more activity, often in the name of Christian virtue.

Our lives will become less cluttered, less stressful and more fulfilling when we follow the model Jesus provided. It may not always please everyone. Jesus never sought to please everyone. Ask the Lord each day this week how you and He are to spend your time. Yield your schedule to Him. Let Jesus direct your every activity. You may discover that He desires you to cut back some things in order to spend more time alone with Him. He will be faithful to show you. And you will become more fulfilled because you are centered in His will for you.

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