ttention called for. (1-8) The history of Israel. (9-39)
Their settlement in Canaan. (40-55) The mercies of God to Israel
contrasted with their ingratitude. (56-72)
Verses 1-8: These are called dark and deep sayings, because they are
carefully to be looked into. The law of God was given with a
particular charge to teach it diligently to their children, that
the church may abide for ever. Also, that the providences of
God, both in mercy and in judgment, might encourage them to
conform to the will of God. The works of God much strengthen our
resolution to keep his commandments. Hypocrisy is the high road
to apostacy; those that do not set their hearts right, will not
be stedfast with God. Many parents, by negligence and
wickedness, become murderers of their children. But young
persons, though they are bound to submit in all things lawful,
must not obey sinful orders, or copy sinful examples.
Verses 9-39.: Sin dispirits men, and takes away the heart.
Forgetfulness of God's works is the cause of disobedience to his
laws. This narrative relates a struggle between God's goodness
and man's badness. The Lord hears all our murmurings and
distrusts, and is much displeased. Those that will not believe
the power of God's mercy, shall feel the fire of his
indignation. Those cannot be said to trust in God's salvation as
their happiness at last, who can not trust his providence in the
way to it. To all that by faith and prayer, ask, seek, and
knock, these doors of heaven shall at any time be opened; and
our distrust of God is a great aggravation of our sins. He
expressed his resentment of their provocation; not in denying
what they sinfully lusted after, but in granting it to them.
Lust is contented with nothing. Those that indulge their lust,
will never be estranged from it. Those hearts are hard indeed,
that will neither be melted by the mercies of the Lord, nor
broken by his judgments. Those that sin still, must expect to be
in trouble still. And the reason why we live with so little
comfort, and to so little purpose, is, because we do not live by
faith. Under these rebukes they professed repentance, but they
were not sincere, for they were not constant. In Israel's
history we have a picture of our own hearts and lives. God's
patience, and warnings, and mercies, imbolden them to harden
their hearts against his word. And the history of kingdoms is
much the same. Judgments and mercies have been little attended
to, until the measure of their sins has been full. And higher
advantages have not kept churches from declining from the
commandments of God. Even true believers recollect, that for
many a year they abused the kindness of Providence. When they
come to heaven, how will they admire the Lord's patience and
mercy in bringing them to his kingdom!
Verses 40-55.: Let not those that receive mercy from God, be thereby
made bold to sin, for the mercies they receive will hasten its
punishment; yet let not those who are under Divine rebukes for
sin, be discouraged from repentance. The Holy One of Israel will
do what is most for his own glory, and what is most for their
good. Their forgetting former favours, led them to limit God for
the future. God made his own people to go forth like sheep; and
guided them in the wilderness, as a shepherd his flock, with all
care and tenderness. Thus the true Joshua, even Jesus, brings
his church out of the wilderness; but no earthly Canaan, no
worldly advantages, should make us forget that the church is in
the wilderness while in this world, and that there remaineth a
far more glorious rest for the people of God.
Verses 56-72: After the Israelites were settled in Canaan, the children
were like their fathers. God gave them his testimonies, but they
turned back. Presumptuous sins render even Israelites hateful to
God's holiness, and exposed to his justice. Those whom the Lord
forsakes become an easy prey to the destroyer. And sooner or
later, God will disgrace his enemies. He set a good government
over his people; a monarch after his own heart. With good reason
does the psalmist make this finishing, crowning instance of
God's favour to Israel; for David was a type of Christ, the
great and good Shepherd, who was humbled first, and then
exalted; and of whom it was foretold, that he should be filled
with the Spirit of wisdom and understanding. On the uprightness
of his heart, and the skilfulness of his hands, all his subjects
may rely; and of the increase of his government and peace there
shall be no end. Every trial of human nature hitherto, confirms
the testimony of Scripture, that the heart is deceitful above
all things, and desperately wicked, and nothing but being
created anew by the Holy Ghost can cure the ungodliness of any.