he birth of Christ and conversion of the Gentiles. (1-6) The
triumphs of Israel. (7-15)
Verses 1-6: Having showed how low the house of David would be brought,
a prediction of the Messiah and his kingdom is added to
encourage the faith of God's people. His existence from eternity
as God, and his office as Mediator, are noticed. Here is
foretold that Bethlehem should be his birthplace. Hence it was
universally known among the Jews, (Mt 2:5). Christ's government
shall be very happy for his subjects; they shall be safe and
easy. Under the shadow of protection from the Assyrians, is a
promise of protection to the gospel church and all believers,
from the designs and attempts of the powers of darkness. Christ
is our Peace as a Priest, making atonement for sin, and
reconciling us to God; and he is our Peace as a King, conquering
our enemies: hence our souls may dwell at ease in him. Christ
will find instruments to protect and deliver. Those that
threaten ruin to the church of God, soon bring ruin on
themselves. This may include the past powerful effects of the
preached gospel, its future spread, and the ruin of all
antichristian powers. This is, perhaps, the most important
single prophecy in the Old Testament: it respects the personal
character of the Messiah, and the discoveries of himself to the
world. It distinguishes his human birth from his existing from
eternity; it foretells the rejection of the Israelites and Jews
for a season, their final restoration, and the universal peace
to prevail through the whole earth in the latter days. In the
mean time let us trust our Shepherd's care and power. If he
permits the assault of our enemies, he will supply helpers and
assistance for us.
Verses 7-15: The remnant of Israel, converted to Christ in the
primitive times, were among many nations as the drops of dew,
and were made instruments in calling a large increase of
spiritual worshippers. But to those who neglected or opposed
this salvation, they would, as lions, cause terror, their
doctrine condemning them. The Lord also declares that he would
cause not only the reformation of the Jews, but the purification
of the Christian church. In like manner shall we be assured of
victory in our personal conflicts, as we simply depend upon the
Lord our salvation, worship him, and serve him with diligence.