he plain manner in which the apostle preached Christ
crucified. (1-5) The wisdom contained in this doctrine. (6-9) It
cannot be duly known but by the Holy Spirit. (10-16)
Verses 1-5: Christ, in his person, and offices, and sufferings, is the
sum and substance of the gospel, and ought to be the great
subject of a gospel minister's preaching, but not so as to leave
out other parts of God's revealed truth and will. Paul preached
the whole counsel of God. Few know the fear and trembling of
faithful ministers, from a deep sense of their own weakness They
know how insufficient they are, and are fearful for themselves.
When nothing but Christ crucified is plainly preached, the
success must be entirely from Divine power accompanying the
word, and thus men are brought to believe, to the salvation of
their souls.
Verses 6-9: Those who receive the doctrine of Christ as Divine, and,
having been enlightened by the Holy Spirit, have looked well
into it, see not only the plain history of Christ, and him
crucified, but the deep and admirable designs of Divine wisdom
therein. It is the mystery made manifest to the saints, (Col
1:26), though formerly hid from the heathen world; it was only
shown in dark types and distant prophecies, but now is revealed
and made known by the Spirit of God. Jesus Christ is the Lord of
glory; a title much too great for any creature. There are many
things which people would not do, if they knew the wisdom of God
in the great work of redemption. There are things God hath
prepared for those that love him, and wait for him, which sense
cannot discover, no teaching can convey to our ears, nor can it
yet enter our hearts. We must take them as they stand in the
Scriptures, as God hath been pleased to reveal them to us.
Verses 10-16: God has revealed true wisdom to us by his Spirit. Here is
a proof of the Divine authority of the Holy Scriptures, (2Pe
1:21). In proof of the Divinity of the Holy Ghost, observe, that
he knows all things, and he searches all things, even the deep
things of God. No one can know the things of God, but his Holy
Spirit, who is one with the Father and the Son, and who makes
known Divine mysteries to his church. This is most clear
testimony, both to the real Godhead and the distinct person of
the Holy Spirit. The apostles were not guided by worldly
principles. They had the revelation of these things from the
Spirit of God, and the saving impression of them from the same
Spirit. These things they declared in plain, simple language,
taught by the Holy Spirit, totally different from the affected
oratory or enticing words of man's wisdom. The natural man, the
wise man of the world, receives not the things of the Spirit of
God. The pride of carnal reasoning is really as much opposed to
spirituality, as the basest sensuality. The sanctified mind
discerns the real beauties of holiness, but the power of
discerning and judging about common and natural things is not
lost. But the carnal man is a stranger to the principles, and
pleasures, and actings of the Divine life. The spiritual man
only, is the person to whom God gives the knowledge of his will.
How little have any known of the mind of God by natural power!
And the apostles were enabled by his Spirit to make known his
mind. In the Holy Scriptures, the mind of Christ, and the mind
of God in Christ, are fully made known to us. It is the great
privilege of Christians, that they have the mind of Christ
revealed to them by his Spirit. They experience his sanctifying
power in their hearts, and bring forth good fruits in their