The following is the results of your search for Meals.
Meals: Are at the present day "eaten from a round table little higher than a
stool, guests sitting cross-legged on mats or small carpets in a
circle, and dipping their fingers into one large dish heaped with a
mixture of boiled rice and other grain and meat. But in the time of
our Lord, and perhaps even from the days of Amos
(Amos 6:4,7) the
foreign custom had been largely introduced of having broad couches,
forming three sides of a small square, the guests reclining at ease
on their elbows during meals, with their faces to the space within,
up and down which servants passed offering various dishes, or in the
absence of servants, helping themselves from dishes laid on a table
set between the couches." Geikie's Life of Christ. (Comp.)
(Luke 7:36-50)