Grass: 1. Heb. hatsir, ripe grass fit for mowing
(1 Kings 18:5; Job 40:15)(Psalms 104:14) As the herbage rapidly fades under the scorching
sun, it is used as an image of the brevity of human life
(Isaiah 40:6,7; Psalms 90:5) In
(Numbers 11:5) this word is rendered "leeks."
2. Heb. deshe', green grass
(Genesis 1:11,12; Isaiah 66:14; Deuteronomy 32:2) "The
sickly and forced blades of grass which spring up on the flat
plastered roofs of houses in the East are used as an emblem of
speedy destruction, because they are small and weak, and
because, under the scorching rays of the sun, they soon wither
(2 Kings 19:26; Psalms 129:6; Isaiah 37:27) The dry stalks of grass were
often used as fuel for the oven
(Matthew 6:30; 13:30; Luke 12:28)