The following is the results of your search for Decrees of God.
Decrees of God: "The decrees of God are his eternal, unchangeable, holy, wise, and
sovereign purpose, comprehending at once all things that ever were or
will be in their causes, conditions, successions, and relations, and
determining their certain futurition. The several contents of this one
eternal purpose are, because of the limitation of our faculties,
necessarily conceived of by us in partial aspects, and in logical
relations, and are therefore styled Decrees." The decree being the act
of an infinite, absolute, eternal, unchangeable, and sovereign Person,
comprehending a plan including all his works of all kinds, great and
small, from the beginning of creation to an unending eternity; ends as
well as means, causes as well as effects, conditions and
instrumentalities as well as the events which depend upon them, must be
incomprehensible by the finite intellect of man. The decrees are:
4. efficacious, as they respect those events he has determined to
bring about by his own immediate agency; or
5. permissive, as they respect those events he has determined that
free agents shall be permitted by him to effect. This doctrine
ought to produce in our minds "humility, in view of the infinite
greatness and sovereignty of God, and of the dependence of man;
confidence and implicit reliance upon wisdom, rightenousness,
goodness, and immutability of God's purpose."