Torrey's Topical Textbook
The following is the results of your search for Entertainments.
Entertainments: - Often great
(Genesis 21:8; Daniel 5:1; Luke 5:29) - GIVEN ON OCCASIONS OF
- Preparations made for
(Genesis 18:6,7; Proverbs 9:2; Matthew 22:4; Luke 15:23) - KINDS OF, MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE
- Under the direction of a master of the feast
(John 2:8,9) - Served often by hired servants
(Matthew 22:13; John 2:5) - Served often by members of the family
(Genesis 18:8; Luke 10:40; John 12:2) - INVITATIONS TO
- Forwardness to take chief seats at, condemned
(Matthew 23:6; Luke 14:7,8) - A choice portion reserved in, for principal guests
(Genesis 43:34; 1 Samuel 1:5; 9:23,24) - Custom of presenting the sop at, to one of the guests,
alluded to (John 13:26) - Portions of, often sent to the absent
(2 Samuel 11:8; Nehemiah 8:10; Esther 9:19) - Offence given by refusing to go to
(Luke 14:18,24) - Anxiety to have many guests at, alluded to
(Luke 14:22,23) - Men and women did not usually meet at
(Esther 1:8,9; Mark 6:21; Matthew 14:11) - None admitted to, after the master had risen and shut the
door (Luke 13:24,25) - Began with thanksgiving
(1 Samuel 9:13; Mark 8:6) - Concluded with a hymn
(Mark 14:26) - None asked to eat or drink more than he liked at
(Esther 1:8) - Music and dancing often introduced at
(Amos 6:5; Mark 6:22; Luke 15:25) - Often scenes of great intemperance
(1 Samuel 25:36; Daniel 5:3,4; Hosea 7:5) - Given by the guests in return
(Job 1:4; Luke 14:12)
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