Torrey's Topical Textbook
The following is the results of your search for Birds.
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Birds: - Created by God
(Genesis 1:20,21; 2:19) - Created for the glory of God
(Psalms 148:10) - Herb of the field given as food to
(Genesis 1:30) - Differ in flesh from beasts and fishes
(1 Corinthians 15:39) - Power over given to man
(Genesis 1:26; Psalms 8:8) - Names given to, by Adam
(Genesis 2:19,20) - Instinctively fear man
(Genesis 9:2) - Instinct of, inferior to man's reason
(Job 35:11) - Lessons of wisdom to be learned from
(Job 12:7) - Can all be tamed
(James 3:7) - Given as food to man
(Genesis 9:2,3) - The blood of, not to be eaten
(Leviticus 7:26) - The property of God
(Psalms 50:11) - God provides for
(Psalms 104:1-12; Matthew 6:26; Luke 12:23,24) - CALLED
- Many kinds of, graniverous
(Matthew 13:4) - Many kinds of, carnivorous
(Genesis 15:11; 40:19; Deuteronomy 28:26) - Furnished with claws
(Daniel 4:33) - Propagated by eggs
(Deuteronomy 22:6; Jeremiah 17:11) - Make, and dwell in nests
(Matthew 8:20) - Are hostile to strange kinds
(Jeremiah 12:9) - Have each their peculiar note or song
(Psalms 104:12; Ecclesiastes 12:4; The Song of Solomon 2:12) - Fly above the earth
(Genesis 1:20) - Rapid flight of, alluded to
(Isaiah 31:5; Hosea 9:11; 11:11) - Many kinds of, migratory
(Jeremiah 8:7) - Often remove from places suffering calamities
(Jeremiah 4:25; 9:10) - Rest on trees
(Daniel 4:12; Matthew 13:32) - INHABIT
- Early distinguished into clean and clean
(Genesis 8:20) - CLEAN
- Not to be eaten with their young
(Deuteronomy 22:6,7) - Taken in snares or nets
(Proverbs 1:17) - Often suffered for man's sin
(Genesis 6:7; Jeremiah 12:4; Ezekiel 38:20; Hosea 4:3) - Solomon wrote the history of
(1 Kings 4:33) - Confinement of, in cages alluded to
(Jeremiah 5:27) - No likeness of, to be made for worship
(Deuteronomy 4:17) - Often worshipped by idolaters
(Romans 1:23) - ILLUSTRATIVE
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