Nave's Topical Bible
The following is the results of your search for Isaiah .
Isaiah: Also called ESAIAS -Son of Amos(Isaiah 1:1 )
Prophesies in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah(Isaiah 1:1; 6:1; 7:1,3; 14:27; 20:1; 36:1; 38:1; 39:1 )
Prophecy at the time of the invasion by Tartan, of Assyria (Isaiah 20:1 )
Symbolically wears sackcloth, and walks barefoot as a sign to Israel(Isaiah 20:2,3 )
Comforts and encourages Hezekiah and the people during the siege of Jerusalem by Rab-shakeh(2 Kings 18; 19; Isaiah 37:6,7 )
Comforts Hezekiah in his affliction (2 Kings 20:1-11; Isaiah 38 )
Performs the miracle of the returning shadow to confirm Hezekiah's faith(2 Kings 20:8-11 )
Reproves Hezekiah's folly in exhibiting his resources to the commissioners from Babylon(2 Kings 20:12-19; Isaiah 39 )
Is the chronicler of the times of Uzziah and Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 26:22; 32:32 )
PROPHECIES, REPROOFS, AND EXHORTATIONS OF Foretells punishment of the Jews for idolatry, and reproves self-confidence and distrust of God (Isaiah 2:6-20 )
Foretells the destruction of the Jews (Isaiah 3 )
Delineates the ingratitude of the Jews in the parable of the vineyard, and reproves it (Isaiah 5:1-10 )
Foretells the failure of the plot of the Israelites and Syrians against Judah (Isaiah 7:1-16 )
Foretells prosperity under Hezekiah, and the manifestation of the Messiah (Isaiah 9:1-7 )
Denounces the wickedness of Israel, and foretells the judgments of God (Isaiah 9:13-21 )
The restoration of Israel and the triumph of the Messiah's kingdom (Isaiah 11 )
An obscure prophecy, supposed by some authorities to be directed against the Assyrians, by others against the Egyptians, and by others against the Ethiopians (Isaiah 18 )
Concerning the conquest of Jerusalem, the captivity of Shebna, and the promotion of Eliakim (Isaiah 22:1-22 )
The judgments upon the land, but that a remnant of the Jews would be saved (Isaiah 25; 26; 27 )
Reproves Ephraim for his wickedness, and fortells the destruction by Shalmaneser (Isaiah 28:1-5 )
Declares the glory of God upon the remnant who are saved (Isaiah 28:5,6 )
Exposes the corruptions in Jerusalem and exhorts to repentance (Isaiah 28:7-29 )
Foretells the invasion of Sennacherib, the distress of the Jews, and the destruction of the Assyrian army (Isaiah 29:1-8 )
Reproves the Jews for their spiritual blindness and infidelity (Isaiah 42:18-25 )
Comforts the Jewish community with promises, exposes the folly of idolatry, and their future deliverance from captivity by Cyrus (Isaiah 44; 45:1-5; 48:20 )
Fortells the conversion of the Gentiles and the triumph of the gospel (Isaiah 45:5-25 )
Reproves the Jews for their idolatries and other wickedness (Isaiah 48 )
Foreshadows the person and the kingdom of the Messiah (Isaiah 32 )
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