SUMMARY.--The Leaven of the Pharisees.
God's Care for His Servants.
Confessing Christ.
The Two Brothers and the Inheritance.
The Rich Fool.
The Life More Than Raiment.
The Lilies.
The Wise and Faithful Steward.
The Baptism of Suffering.
Sending Peace on Earth.
The Signs of the Times.
1-5. Many thousands of the multitude. This is one of the
passages that show the great impression produced at that time by
Christ's teaching. See also
Mark 1:33; 2:2; 3:9; 6:31,
etc. The discourse that follows is found almost verbatim in
Beware of the leaven. The spirit of the Pharisees. There is
great danger of religion becoming formal and hypocritical. See note
Matt. 16:6.
There is nothing covered. For notes on
verses 2-5
Matt. 10:26-28.
The flat tops of Eastern houses were the places from whence public
proclamations were made.
6-9. Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings? See notes on
Matt. 10:29-33.
Sparrows were the cheapest of all birds offered for sale.
10. Blasphemeth against the Holy Spirit. See notes on
Matt. 12:31, 32.
11, 12. When they bring you unto the synagogues. See notes on
Matt. 10:19, 20.
13, 14. One of the company said. This question concerning the
inheritance, and the parable of the Rich Fool that follows, are
only found in Luke.
Speak to my brother. The man wished to enlist Christ's moral power
for his pecuniary advantage. Whether his brother had wronged him or not
is not stated, but the Lord's business was not to gain acres of land
and money for men, and hence he replies:
Who made me a judge or a divider over you? It was not his
mission to look after temporal gains, but to save the souls of men.
15. Keep yourselves from covetousness. A greedy desire for the
goods of this world. A sin of all ages and a besetting sin of our
A man's life consisteth not, etc. Comfort, happiness, and, above
all, eternal interests, do not depend on the abundance of our goods.
Why then should a man give his life to a greedy chase after wealth?
16-19. He spake a parable. To show that riches do not secure one
from evil.
A certain rich man. There is no intimation that his wealth was
unjustly secured.
What shall I do? A common perplexity of the rich. They do
not know what to do with their surplus wealth, though the needs of
humanity call for it.
There will I bestow my goods. In his enlarged storehouses. He
will hoard his goods. Here was the beginning of his folly; to
hoard his surplus instead of using it for the good of
Thou hast much goods laid up for many years. He had the goods,
but the years he could not claim. It was a second element of his folly
to forget that life is uncertain, and to make no provision for its
Take thine ease. Here is the third element of his folly; to
attempt to satisfy his soul with food, drink and merriment: to feed
that which demands heavenly food on husks.
20, 21. Thou fool. The still, small voice may have said this, as
mortal disease attacked him. Men said that he was sagacious, wise; but
God said, "Thou fool."
This night. Instead of having many years, this night he
shall die, unprepared, and all his goods on which he set his heart be
delivered over to [273]
So is he that layeth up treasure for himself. He is guilty
of folly in the eyes of God. Wisdom requires that we should lay up
treasure in heaven.
22-31. Be not anxious for your life. These verses are found in
almost the same words in
Matt. 6:25-34.
See notes
32. Fear not, little flock. The flock is safe only because of
the Shepherd's care. The Lord is the Shepherd, and it is his pleasure
to give not only food and raiment, but the kingdom to his children.
33. Sell what ye have. Lay up treasure in heaven. The true way
of investing wealth is to consecrate it to good purposes. Better to
sell in order to have wherewith to give, than to hoard like the rich
fool. See notes on
Matt. 6:19-21.
35-46. Let your loins be girded. The long Oriental robe had to
be taken up and girded before one was ready to travel. See notes on
Matt. 24:42-51.
Lights burning. See
Matt. 25:3-8.
May open unto him immediately. Be ready when the Lord's
summons come.
In the second watch. The Jews divided the night into four
watches. The second and third covered the midnight hours.
The thief would come. See notes on
Matt. 24:43, 44.
Who then is the faithful and wise steward? See notes on
Matt. 24:45-51.
47, 48. That servant, which knew his lord's will. This is the
wilfully disobedient servant. The man who sins in the face of knowledge
is such a servant. His neglect of known duty shall aggravate [275]
his punishment.
He that knew not. The man who sinned in ignorance shall have
lighter punishment. Certainly degrees of punishment for degrees of
guilt are taught. All will not be punished alike.
49. I am come to cast fire on earth. Conflict and persecution.
This was the effect of preaching the gospel. It aroused opposition. See
notes on
Matt. 10:34-37.
If it is already kindled. The conflict had already begun. The
enemies were seeking his death.
50. I have a baptism. Of suffering. That of the cross.
Straitened. Feeling the burden in anticipation.
51-53. Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth?
See notes on
Matt. 10:34.
54-57. When ye see a cloud rising. See notes on
Matt. 16:2, 3.
Why even of yourselves? Why not judge what is right without
any external signs?
58, 59. As thou art going with thine adversary. See notes on
Matt. 5:25, 26.